Billie's slumber party was a success! She had so much fun. We had pizza for dinner, and the girls all got to decorate their own cupcakes (we gave them two but they were only allowed to eat one and then take the other home with them.) They also decorated canvas totes--too cute! I didn't get a picture of that because I was the only one here with them at that time, because Matt had gone out to get the pizza--and it was all I could do to organize and keep everything running smoothly by myself. I am definitely used to having only one very self sufficient daughter; nine of them just about broke me! HEHE! It was so much fun. I got to also learn so much about her friends, and that was huge and enlightening for me. They were all so good and so patient, too. It really was a great night. We rented the movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" and they all watched it and then turned in for the night at around 11:15. We don't have the biggest house, so finding places for 9 little girls to sleep was somewhat of a challenge, but we managed. I moved our dining room table out and put down air mattresses for four of them in the "dining room." Then we put two of them on a pallet in Billies room and two more in the bunk beds. I hated to split them up, but I think they probably got more sleep with it being only 4 in each room instead of 8 (one girl didn't spend the night.) They woke up around 7.30, which I thought was very late for a slumber party, but what do I know? We had a big breakfast of eggs, sausage, biscuits and even munchkin donuts that Matt picked up for the girls. They played fun games that morning and then the parents started picking them up around 10. I can't believe she is old enough for a slumber party. She really enjoyed herself and I was so happy we could do that for her. She has been asking for one since Kindergarten but I have made her wait until she was old enough. I am so glad we did it. Next time I might make it a little smaller, just because it is hard to have that many in our small house, but it really worked out fine. No one fussed or complained about a single thing. They were all jut happy to be together. There were two little girls that "don't like each other" according to Billie, but even they were fine together. I have no complaints about the entire night. Except I was so TIRED the next day! Of course I wanted it all to be perfect so I had cleaned the house (because 9 year olds would probably notice, right?) and worked on "goodie bags" and the craft and cupcakes and all that stuff. But I am glad I did so much ahead of time, because it really helped the evening go smoothly.
Now to study. I have a big next few weeks at school; One paper, three exams and a speech coming up, too. It will all hit pretty close together so I am trying to get a jump start on it. The speech is informative, and of course I picked conjoined twins for my topic. I find myself thinking about that more than anything, and planning visual aides and even a sound bite or two. I am excited about creating awareness in such a young crowd. I had no idea that conjoined twins even happened before Joshua and Caleb. Of course I had heard of them at some point in my life, but I guess it is like anything else--something that happens very seldom and not to me or anyone I know. I like that I have the opportunity to share my experience and knowledge with people. Of course, I always love the opportunity to share Joshua and Caleb with any one that will listen! Wish me luck, I am nervous about keeping my emotions in check. But I really think I can, as long as I stick to the facts and not delve too much into the personal/emotional aspect of the story. Practice makes perfect, too, so I know if I say it again and again that will help me push past any emotions that are brought up. Have a good week everyone!