Matt began a blog to get you all updated before I was feeling well enough to do it myself. He just hadn’t yet gotten it uploaded to the blog. I thought it would be nice to get the most up-to-date info from both of us so the following blog is a combined effort:
I was putting together our new highchair, when Crystal wakes in terrible pain at 10:45 Friday night, April 22. She had tried to walk it off, but it only got worse. She had a hard time explaining the pain, but knew it was not right to be feeling that kind of pain. We were both very scared. Nancy came over to the house to sit with Billie, who was sound asleep, and we rushed to the hospital in our pj’s. Our 100% healthy 24 wk baby had a good heartbeat and the doctor wasn't sure what was going on. Thoughts were a torn muscle in her abdomen, and if so, would be better in the morning. So they admitted her and tried to treat the pain. Saturday morning resulted in no decrease of pain, so they did a CT scan where they found abdominal bleeding. They thought it may be an appendix rupture or twisted ovaries, but the pint of blood in her stomach made it unable to tell. So very quickly an exploratory surgery was planned. Once they got in there they found her uterus had ruptured and she had placenta accreta, which is when the placenta grows through the uterus wall and into other organs. In Crystal's case, it also grew into her bladder. So they were forced to make a very large incision from the top of her belly to the bottom, deliver the baby, do a hysterectomy, and repair and remove part of the bladder. Harper Grace was born Saturday at 4:25 PM, at only 24-weeks gestation. She weighed 1lb 6 oz and is 11 inches long. She is in NICU at Children's and is on a ventilator but is doing very well, considering all things. Both girls have some serious around the clock recovering ahead. We hope Crystal can meet Harper for her first time by mid/end this week, soon as the NG tube that Crystal has to empty her stomach contents can be removed. I bring back video & photos of beautiful Harper from my 3 to 4 NICU visits per day. We got very lucky with Crystal, and I pray nonstop for my Harper Grace miracle.
Thank you for your love and prayers,
Since he wrote this, late Monday night, I think, a lot has happened. Yesterday they were able to remove the NG tube from my stomach and I was finally able to take the trip over to Children’s and meet my daughter, OFFICIALLY! It was a God-touched moment, that is the only way I know how to describe it. She is so amazing. So tiny, so beautiful. I was able to hold her hand, and touch her leg. The nurse said all of Harper’s stats were the best they had ever been when I was there! She said she knows her momma! She could smell me and recognize me somehow. It is just so amazing. I also took some “mommy milk” and put it on a Q-tip and fed it to her. Her little mouth is so tiny, a Q-tip barely fits in it! She loved the milk and it was so amazing to bond with her like this. I feel so absolutely blessed to be Harper’s mommy! It helped me so much to just see her and know how well she is being taken care of. I get to go see her in a couple of hours, so I will blog again after that visit. Thank you for your continued support and prayers,