Finally...5 pounds 1 ounce on Friday! We take her back to see Dr. Greg Wednesday, and I am hoping she will be even bigger. We need her to get above 7 pounds and then we can relax just a little bit. We took her to get her eyes checked yesterday and they are still stable. The doctor said that if we can keep them stable through the next two weeks he thinks we will be in the clear and not need surgery, but we are still not out of the woods just yet. I have no doubt that her eyes are going to be just fine, though. She still isn't sleeping good unless we are holding her, but she is sleeping on her own for larger stretches now. I don't mind holding her...I had to wait so long to hold her after she was born, so it is just fine with me that she wants to cuddle. We are taking shifts, Matt taking the first shift of the night while I sleep and then I get up around 2 and take the second shift. We each get around 5 hours, and sometimes take a nap during the day, too. It is working out just fine. I will update again when I have more time...Harper is hungry!
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6 years ago
Why doesn't she sleep in her crib. My daughter was a preemie and came home and went right to her own bedroom. You are going to spoil her.
So what...spoil her. You waited a long me..they don't want to be held forever. Ever see a 15 year old that needs mommy to sleep? You do whatever you have to for your baby and don't let other people give you grief. She's beautiful by the way. God is good. Always.
Thank you, Sarah. And I agree with you, she can have what ever she wants and needs. She is so strong and so amazing, she deserves it after what she has been through! I'm not spoiling's very crucial that she gains weight and doesn't waste her calories on crying in her crib or cradle. We need her to gain as much weight as she can before RSV season hits. Plus with the heart monitor going off, her room is too far away for me to get there fast enough.
Even if she had been born full term and 10 my can't spoil a baby by holding them. Holding them makes them feel loved and secure and if that's being spoiled then far far far more children in this world need to be spoiled like that. All of the children in my family were held a lot...and people comment all the time on what happy out going babies/children they are. I can't wait to see the pictures you post when Harper gets bigger and that bubbly personality comes shining through.
Thanks, Sarah. And I totally agree with you. Actually, in some of the parenting/ child development classes I took at UT (I have a minor in Child and Family Studies), that is exactly what the research says. Babies need to feel safe and secure, and they get that from us when we fulfill their needs. Babies should not have to "cry it out" they should be made to feel safe and secure. Billie is such a well behaved child and always has been and she has always slept in her bed on her own once I moved her into her room from ours. She did sleep in a cradle in our room until she was three months old. But I was still planning on rocking her to sleep after that, but she didn't want to be rocked. She wanted to be laid down in her crib to go to sleep on her own. She is very secure and has a very sweet personality, and she is very self confident. I think children get that from their parents and it starts when they are infants. The best thing I can do for Harper is be there for her when she needs me. Thank you for speaking up for me, Sarah!
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