Joshua And Caleb |
August 21. Today. International Conjoined Twins Day. It's something that parents and families of conjoined twins have put together and are trying to get passed as an actual day. They picked 8 (August) because if you turn an 8 on it's side, it is the symbol for infinity - our families are infinitely joined because of the bond we share, just as our children are bonded with their twin. 21 is the symbol for 2 people, 1 body. I love that. I have said so many times I wonder if Joshua and Caleb are conjoined in heave. I choose to believe they are. But I have had so many people over the years tell me there is no way they could be, because (in their opinion) heaven is perfect and without sin and they feel cojoined-ness (my made up word, don't you love it?!) isn't perfect. But I am here to tell you they were so perfect I can't even put into words how perfect they were, are. And as much as I love love love them, God loves them infinitely more. So why would he choose to send them to me in such a perfect form only to separate them in heaven? They were not separable. They shared a heart. You can't split a heart. They shared a lung, can't split that either. The rest may or may not have been separable but their chest was so tiny it wasn't even big enough to make a chest for just one of them, should we have considered separation at any time in the future. Now I know God can do all things, heaven is perfect, and we do not need our Earth bodies in heaven. But since I really can't wrap my mind around any of that, I see Joshua and Caleb as I saw them here. The same way I see Michael in heaven, or my grandparents. Although I sometimes (usually) see them older and bigger. I mean they are 4 years old, right? But I always picture them conjoined, I can not see them any other way. I am not claiming to know one single thing about heaven or how it will be or what we will see and do (other than I know we will be in the presence of Jesus but how that presence will work I have not a clue) but in my opinion, the boys are still conjoined. Today is about celebrating. Celebrating those conjoined twins who have passed on, those that are still here and still conjoined, and celebrating those that have been separated, too! There is a new reality show coming to TLC on August 28 and you can be sure I will be tuning in, at least for the first episode. It is
Abby & Brittany who are conjoined twins and are about to graduate from college. I just pray it is done right. They have been pretty private until the last few years, so I hope this will just be something that gives them a nice way to make ends meet and doesn't make them look like a circus act. From the preview it looks like it will be done tastefully and I usually like TLC - minus a few shows. That's my take on today and conjoined twins and just so you know, this day is easy and fun and not hard like their birthday. I guess because I am celebrating what gave me them in the first place. If they hadn't been conjoined it would have just been another pregnancy like everyone else. But they were special and I was special because I was blessed to be their mommy. Their birthday is not only the day they were born, but also the day I lost them and I can't separate the two, just like I can't separate Joshua and Caleb.
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