I am sure many of you are wondering how Billie is doing, and you can rest assured that she is doing good. She is the most amazing 7 year old that has ever been, if you ask me and I realize I am biased. She has her moments when she is sad and she misses her brothers, but like any 7 year old she wants to eat ice cream and watch TV and go swimming. She is very worried about Matt and I, and she is able to show her concern. We have let her go with friends and family so she can get away from the constant sorrow that is around us most of the time. I talked to her on the phone last night before she went to bed and she asked me how I was feeling and then she said " I am so glad that tomorrow is Tuesday and you get to get your staples out. I know that you will feel better and walk better when the doctor takes those out." I asked her how she knew and she said that I had told her and she had been counting down the days since then. She was so excited when I told her I had been to the doctor's yesterday and they decided to take my staples out early. Her reaction was priceless and it wasn't so much the words but the true relief in her sweet little voice. God continues to bless us through Billie and we are so thankful for her.
I received a letter from my aunt yesterday and we were truly comforted more than any one letter or card has comforted us and I want to share some of that with you. I am not going to name her so all of my family can now sit and wonder which of my many wonderful aunts it could be! She shared with us something that I never knew, that she and my uncle lost their first child. He only lived for one hour after his birth. She told us that when she searched for answers to the inevitable question of "Why Me," she stumbled upon a hymn that gave her great comfort. I do not know the name of the hymn or who wrote it, but I am still going to quote it here and I hope the writer will forgive me. I am sure a lot of you know the hymn:
"Does Jesus care when I've said 'Good Bye'
To the dearest on earth to me,
And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks,
Is it aught to Him? Does He see?
Oh yes, He cares, I know He cares,
His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior Cares."
I know there are so many out there who have also lost babies and know the pain we are going through. I guess it is true that misery loves company, because knowing this about my aunt instantly gave me this feeling of a tighter bond with her and it was like Jesus tied our hearts together with a string because, although my heart ached knowing that she knew my pain, it was also comforted that there had been someone dear to me that had been through this and survived. Knowing that she was able to live through this pain and be OK helped us last night. No one should have to feel this pain, it just isn't fair. I know that God was protecting us, though, in not allowing us to take our babies home. As much as we thought we wanted and needed that, it would have made this a hundred times harder. The more time we had with them, the more we would have wanted. No time would have been enough for us. My heart breaks for all of those parents who have lost not babies but their children. That pain has to be so unbearable, I can not even imagine. As much as our loss hurts, that would be worse. We count our blessings and we are able to see that God is good and is watching over us and taking such good care of us.
For those who do not know, the receiving of friends will be at Central Baptist Church of Fountain City Wednesday, July 23, 2008 from 6 PM to 8 PM with the funeral service immediately following. The graveside service will be Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 11 AM at Lynnhurst Cemetery.
Matt and Crystal:
Thanks for sharing your joy, celebration, Life, loss and strength. Your family and experiences are an inspiration.
According to ST. John 11:25-26 "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this".
Crystal, I pray for your health and continuous blessing from the Lord. Your son's Joshua and Caleb are truly in the Lord's hands, grace, mercy and everlasting love. As I think about and pray for the Rosecrance Family, I'm reminded of a beautiful and powerful song by Marvin Sapp "Never Would Have Made IT". If I could share a few of the words - "I'm stronger, I'm Wiser, I'm Better, So Much Better; When I Look Back at All You (the Lord) bought me Through, I know it's Because I had You (My God) to Hold Onto".
Yes, the Lord is our fortress; Praise him day and night. For me, the Rosecrance Family is a true example of unconditional LOVE - You are definitely my HERO's.
I like to share one more thing - a reading from a inspirational book entitled "God's Calling" by A.J. Russell. The writing, "Painful Preparation - Help and peace and joy are here. Your courage will be rewarded. Painful as this time is you will both one day see the reason of it, and see too that it was not cruel testing, but tender preparation for the wonderful life-work you are both to do. Try to realize that your own prayers are being most wonderfully answered. Answered in a way that seems painful to you, but that just now is the only way. Success in the temporal world would not satisfy you. Great success, in both temporal and spiritual worlds, awaits you. I know you will see this had to be".
Again, my condolence, LOVE and prayers are sent to your family. May the Lord keep and hold you forevermore.
Oregon "Clyde" Emerson III
Atlanta, GA
P.S. Evan shipped out on this past Monday, 21 July to Parris Island,SC (Marine Corps Boot Camp)
I hope it isn't inappropriate to leave this with you. I am so uplifted and touched by your spirit. It's tangible. These two songs has been a comfort to us. They are on itunes if you're interested in owning them. I know you've had a little time to heal, but there are still days where the heart-ache is close.
Love, Nettie (Emma and Taylor Bailey's relative)
the second video isn't the best, but close your eyes to listen ; ).
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