Harper is such a genius, she has already graduated from college!! Lol, the NICU nurses did this for me as a surprise for graduation. And I was blown away! Matt even approved of the orange and white-which is a miracle in itself! So I did graduate Wednesday with the rest of my class, the best group of young people you will ever come across. I am so blessed to have made wonderful friends at UT. They have all been so good to me during these last few weeks, but they were wonderful to me before this happened, too. So now I can add Bachelor of Science in Nutrition to my resume - it really hasn't sunk in yet, but I think it will once everything settles down. It has been a whirlwind the past three weeks! Harper is three weeks old today! Woohoo! She is doing good. She does have some BPD from the vent, but that was to be expected. We are just praising God it isn't pneumonia, that was what the doctors were fearing when they cultured the fluid on her lungs Thursday. Since it wasn't pneumonia they have gone ahead with another round of steroids and after 6 doses over 3 days, they hope to attempt another try at weening her from the vent. It is scary and exciting all at the same time. Everything has come with mixed emotions, every decision seems to have a double-edged sword attached to it. But the staff at Children's are just amazing and they know exactly what they are doing. The rest we put in God's hands, and I know He has it all under control. The past three weeks has taught me again that I am not in control, and to just let God handle it. I am actually doing a good job of that, for me. I am not worried like you would think I would be-being the usually worrier that I am. God is good, and I believe in my heart Harper is going to be OK, we just have a long road to get there. But I think of the testimony she will have and I know she will do great things for the Glory of God, as will her big sister, Billie. I am very blessed to have two strong, beautiful girls! I know God has great things planned for their lives. Please be praying the steroid does it's job, and Harper does hers, too! I could use some prayers for my recovery, too, it is not going as quickly as I want or need. The doctor says that was to be expected after so much went wrong and so much invasive surgery, but it is wearing on me. I will update as soon as anything changes. Thanks for your support and prayers. When I am at my weakest and can not pray, I feel the prayers going up for us and they comfort me.
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