Harper is doing good, after a bad night Monday. She has been steady for the last two days. Her vent is still up kind of high at 30, but it was at 37 yesterday morning, so she is coming down a little. She finally had a little stool pass yesterday afternoon, so they have upped her feedings to 6 a day! Please pray that her bowels continue to work- it's vitally important. They gave her another blood transfusion yesterday and hopefully that will help her with her oxygen concentration and her energy so she is able to breath better. They will do another brain scan tomorrow, so please also be praying that there is no bleeding in her brain.
I am still not feeling great, but I am improving every day. My goal is to update the blog daily, but until I feel better and final exams are over, it just isn't possible yet. I will try my best, though. Thank you for you love and support, and especially your prayers. Harper has a long, hard road ahead of her but I know she can do it because with God, all things are possible. She is the miracle I have been waiting for!! God is good, all of the time. PLEASE KEEP PRAYING!!
Praying for your whole family! Keep on being steady Harper!
Praying for you and Harper! She is BEAUTIFUL!!! God is SO good!
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