What an amazing day we have had. Harper is now on a cannula, has been since last night at 6:30! She is doing so great - God is so GREAT! I can't see her or think about her without getting choked up and just praising God for this amazing miracle, Harper Grace. Today was the first day that Billie and Harper got to see each other, face-to-face! It was such a beautiful experience. Matt went into the NICU and with the help of our wonderful nurses, he carried Harper over to the window - first time she has been away from her isolette! She looked even tinier as he brought her over to the window. Billie got big tears in her eyes as she greeted her tiny little sister for the first time. It was so precious. And as Billie said "HI, Harper!" Harper looked straight at her with her eyes opened so wide, so alert. She just stared at Billie in amazement. I think she was thinking to herself "There you are, Billie! Where have you been all of my life? I have been waiting to see you, big sister! I missed hearing your voice." Matt held her there for about 15 minutes, the NICU nurses all taking pictures and video for us (and all with big tears in their eyes, too.) It is amazing when you meet such loving, caring people. They are there to do their job, but it is so much more than that. I can honestly say I love these girls, because they love my baby. I thank God for them every day, several times a day. I will never be able to repay them for what they have done for my daughter and our family. They are all a gift from God. Back to the first meeting: Harper would look straight at Billie when she heard Billie's voice, and she just had the sweetest, most alert look on her face. Way older than her 28 week and 5 days face should be able to show. If you think about it, she should still not even be born for another 11 + weeks! But by the grace of God, here she is and thriving, too. She looked at me, too, when she heard my voice. But she was just enamored by Billie. I guess that is the first child she has ever seen. She can't see the other babies in the NICU, at least not yet because she and they are always closed up in the isolette. After Billie's visit, I went in to visit with Harper and I could tell she was worn out from the events of the day. She would start to close her eyes, and then jerk them back open and look straight at me. I felt she was wondering if I was still there. So I got my face down where she could see me good, and I put one hand on her bottom and one on her head and just spoke softly to her. She eventually closed her eyes and fell asleep. So peaceful, so precious. I can't believe in just 4 weeks she is able to go to the window for her sister! I thought it would be another month at least before Billie would get a glimpse of her little sister. I feel so blessed today, and my heart is just overflowing with happiness and love. I feel like we finally have the miracle we have been praying for all these years. God is still in the miracle business, and I am so blessed he chose our family for one! God never gives up, even when we do. Billie has been praying to God for a baby since she was 3 years old, and today she finally feels like she has a baby sister. As we were walking to the car, she said "I can't wait to go back to see Harper!" and she had a "hop" to her step - so happy she couldn't be still. She has been cleaning up her room this afternoon, and she keeps bringing toys and dolls and stuffed animals out that she wants to give to Harper. She also has started a video journal for Harper. She is telling her all about her birth and her stay at the NICU, and also giving her big sister tips about how to survive as a girl. I have two amazing daughters! I am so thankful I get to watch them grow up together, loving each other and supporting each other. When we are gone, they will have each other. Their special bond has already formed. Yet another miracle God has blessed our family with.
What a beautiful experience!!! God is SO good!!! You have two beautiful daughters!
This is so sweet and I could not be more excited for you guys!
how much weight has she put on, is she getting longer, how long do they think she will have too stay in the hospital,
As of last night she was 1lb 8.69 oz, and I am not sure of her height but I will know that in an hour or so so I will repost then, but her length last Sunday was 12 1/2 inches. They have not and will not talk about when she might come home, it is just too early still. I know she has to be 1800 grams before they put her in a crib and out of the isolette, and she is 670-680 grams right now - so we got a while. I think she will come home around her due date, which is August 9.
These pictures made me cry...so beautiful. Still praying for you all!
how is she doing, you havent written in a while , and I always check too see how she is doing and how you are feeling and how your other daughter has been doing
Anxiously awaiting an update on your little miracle! Just want you to know I pray for Harper every night. Crystal, hope you are taking care of yourself, too. You and your family are awesome!
You all are awesome! Sorry I haven't responded, I haven't been able to read the comments section for a while. I can not figure out why it sometimes doesn't work. Just to update you today she is 3 lb 12 oz, 15 inches long! Such a big girl! She is really doing great and amazing us and the staff in the NICU. We just need her to get the nursing down better, gain a little more weight, and get her ROP taken care of and we are set for discharge!
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