God is so good, all of the time. There has not been a day go by since I was pregnant with Harper that I haven't been able to see God's abundant blessings and Miracles. Harper is doing great! Today she weighs 2 lbs 12.97 oz. And she has been without oxygen support for over 24 hours now! She is up to 25 mL every 3 hours on her feedings and is tolerating them well. Tonight is going to be huge for both of us...I am going to try to nurse her for the first time ever! I'm so nervous about it, but excited, too. It may go well, but it may not. This will be her first attempt at eating ever! Up until now she has been getting all of her nutrition through an NG tube. So we will see how she does at sucking, swallowing, and breathing all at once! That's a lot for a little girl at only 32 weeks gestation! Prayers that it goes smoothly will be greatly appreciated. She will need practice and time to learn. But I know she can do it!
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Hello, it is finally letting me leave a comment! So happy to hear about Harper. Hope the feeding went well last evening! Keeping all of you in my prayers.
Teresa in NC
That suck, swallow, breathe can be a bit tricky. My former 27 weeker twins still have that problem sometimes now at 12 years old. We joke around and tell them you can't breathe and drink at the same time. Hope you both did a great job!!
Wendy in MD
Thanks Teresa and Wendy. It is going good, but even tonight she still forgot to breathe and had a brady episode - which freaks me out still! She at least got 6 mL, so it wasn't in vain. I feel terrible when she works so hard and has a brady episode or two and then doesn't even drink any milk! She is doing good and is learning and really is amazing! God is so good! Wendy - so love hearing your 27 weekers are now 12! I love success stories, it is very comforting to me!
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