Baby "M" did great for her surgery. She was resting when I left. And they moved her right next to Harper so our friends are our neighbors now! Very nice. Now we just have to get Addison moved to our corner and we will be all set! I promise to try to remember to ask Baby "M's" parents if it is ok to put names on the blog, I just forget until I am leaving the hospital or blogging!
Nursing isn't going so good. I have plenty of milk, Harper just doesn't get much when we nurse. So we are going to try a bottle on Thursday. I hate to, but if she doesn't eat she can't come home and that is mostly what is keeping her there now. I'm not giving up, though. I will still try to breastfeed her at each sitting and then supplement with the bottle. And she will still get breast milk even in the bottle. If I have to pump forever I will, but that is not what I want. I think once she gets bigger and stronger it will get easier for her to nurse. Besides, I have a whole deep freezer full of milk, we might as well use it! Thank you again for your prayers, but don't stop now! We still need prayers for Harper's precious eyes and prayers for nursing. It does make me sad that nursing isn't going well and it is a source of stress for me.
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
So happy to hear the good news about her eyes. Prayers continue that they will not get worse and only get better. Sorry to hear that she is not nursing well, but just remember, she is still get nurishment from you, just a different way, but still from YOU, her mommy. Prayers for all the babies there.
Teresa in NC
Thank you, Teresa. I do need to remember that!
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